Neon White

Similar to Roboquest, Neon White is further proof you don't need a good story or characters to actually make a killer game! Though it certainly helps...
This one's a speedrunning FPS with a little bit of a twist, all guns are "Cards" which have a limited number of uses in addition to a secondary effect you can use by "discarding" the weapon, such as an extra jump or a grappling hook. Other highlghts include:
- Super fluid movement (Notice a trend here?) and fun 3D platforming
- Short, fun, linear levels that make you want to speedrun them, even if you normally don't care about that aspect of games much otherwise!
- A killer soundtrack made by electronic music duo Machine Girl
A semi-hard game with an emphasis on speedrunning that's friendly to non-speedrunners (similar to another game I'll be talking about soon). Overall I enjoyed this one a lot. Unlike Roboquest however, the narrative here is offensively bad and most of the dialogue made my eyes roll out of my head. But my advice to you is just skip all the cutscenes and you got yourself a solid action platformer.
Overall Score 4/5 (Enjoyed it a lot)
Bonus: Want to check it out for yourself? Here's a link to it on Steam, there's also a VR mod for the game out there thats a lot of fun and I highly recommend after you've beaten the game (if you happen to have a headset anyways...)