Ghostrunner (and 2)

Just gonna throw this one out as an immediate recommendation for fans of Neon White, not entirely the same type of game but its certainly the same action wise and I think you'll definitely enjoy it. I'm doing these both together though because of how similar they are, I think 2 is definitely an improvement of the first one however. I can't speak to the DLC of the first game because unfortunately I never played it.
Ghostrunner is an extremely fun, fast and fluid action game which I like to describe it as "you one shot everything, but everything one shots you". If that sounds intimidating to you because you like your games on the easy side though, don't be afraid. There are really frequent, well-placed checkpoints so you can get back right into the action after you die. This makes the game extremely tough (if you're going for a no-death run or something), but very fair and rewarding and creates a really fun feedback loop going through the levels.
I think the personal reason for me I like this game so much is because it's probably the closest thing I'll get in my eyes to a 3D version of Mega Man Zero, a game I grew up with and think about a lot. The action is superb, and makes you feel very powerful. The story itself is pretty basic but serviceable in the first game, while in the second game they focus a little more on character relationships. I enjoyed both though, and they definitely gave me a bit to think about at least.
Overall Score 4/5 (Enjoyed it a lot)
Bonus: Want to check it out for yourself? Here's a link to it on Steam, including a free demo!