Always end your day by striving to do better the next.

Some "de-googled" apps that don't actually suck.

Surveilance scares are a constant thing, whether warranted or not. At this point you could just yell the word "telemetry" and you would have an entire crowd of Linux users run from their lives screaming (who have deluded themselves into thinking that even things like Ubuntu data collection which is 100% opt-in, off by default, completely transparent, anonymized with a full report given about each upload as well as completely open source code that they can independently audit to see if ANYTHING is wrong with it, is still somehow spyware).

However on the flip side of things, there is definitely some truth to this matter. While these people are absolute fucking morons for worrying about how every piece of open source software ever produced (including their hello world app) is actually a super secret back door for the NSA, it is not a bad thing to worry about your privacy to a healthy degree and take some basic, easy and painless measures in order to annoy the fuck out of advertisers and people trying to pwn you.

  • Need a browser that doesnt have pages looking like the ads in Idiocracy? Try Firefox with Ublock origin!
    • Want something closer to Chrome? Try Brave with shields on.
  • Want voice-to-text that actually works BETTER than Google's with auto-punctuation and never leaves your device? FUTO Voice Input.
  • Want to patch some popular existing apps to make them suck less? Revanced, although its been awhile since I used it.

Case in point, it's rare, but sometimes there's actually some FOSS software that's just as good, or even better than commercial alternatives and they are always a treat to find.