First post of the Month
I had a really cool title and a really cool topic for this one, unfortunately I forgot both as I didn't actually take the time to write it down yesterday... word of advice, when inspiration strikes, start writing!
I've been getting into self-hosting a lot of stuff recently. While it's an absolute pain in the ass at first considering I know (or at least knew) very little about networking, but there's something really cool and freeing about hosting your own services, on your own hardware, being in control of your own data and what actually comes in and out. Really cool stuff. It's honestly pretty much an endless rabbit hole of stuff you can do but for example I have an iMessage bridge so I can use it on all my devices, a VOIP server and a couple other cool things. I'm very new to it (and it's very frustrating at some points trying to gain all the requisite knowledge to use all these tools) but its awesome to both give old hardware new life and "be your own cloud" so to speak. If you have an old PC or Mac lying around, and a lot of patience, maybe you can try it too!
That being said, I'd still like to keep this site on neocities. It's an awesome platform and I love it a lot.