Always end your day by striving to do better the next.

A Retrospective of The Past

It's absolutely hilarious to me that now that I'm finally midway into my 20's, I can finally admit that my parents really were right about things and only rode my ass because they actually cared and wanted to set me up to be successful in life.

I see so many people 18, 19, 20, talking about how "horrible" their life is, how "abusive" their living situation is, and of course I empathize so I ask them about it. Some of the responses I've gotten are insane; "My parents want me to spend time with them every week". Wait. What? Are you fucking kidding me? You're telling me the "abuse" you're going through, is your family wanting to spend time with you? After doing nothing but sit in your chair for the past 5 days talking on Discord and playing Final Fantasy XIV?. Absolutely fucking hilarious. Now this isn't to downplay actual abuse victims, I'm an abuse victim, and I can't imagine that abuse coming from someone within my own home. But that's not the case here, these are just normal parents that don't want their kids to grow up as absolute deadbeat, jobless, talentless losers with no goals, talents, ideals or anything to show for themselves. Who would have thought??? Protip: If you're lucky enough to actually have a family that cares about you, love and cherish them. Your online "friends" are going to cut you off in 2 weeks, a month, maybe even a couple years. Maybe you should instead spend that effort in bettering yourself and forming relationships with the people that actually care about you.

Anyways, the best part about this is I'm sure my own kid is gonna grow up and do the exact same thing posting on reddit about how they got the Xbox taken away from them for a week or something. What a laugh I'll have when I get there.